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Crosswords at the Expo

Copyright © 1997, Sivasailam Thiagarajan. All rights reserved.

A client recently asked me to design some games that can be played in an expo booth with a bunch of slightly jaded wanderers who don't have too much time. Based on my experiences at the ISPI expo, I was able to develop a set of games in the "party-games" category. Specifically, the set includes word games, trivia games, graphic games, and communication games. The games are fast paced and easy to play. Each game is designed for use with one to ten players on a table top or in a crowded booth.

To keep track of scores (and to entice the players to stay at your booth or keep returning to it), we gave tokens to the winners. The players can exchange their tokens for various gifts. Another motivator was a Hall of Fame display. We wrote the names of the top five players on this poster and kept updating the list.

One of our expo games uses crossword puzzles that can be solved in 2 to 3 minutes. The facilitator quickly demonstrates how to solve a sample puzzle. Depending on the number of players and the preferred level of competition, you have a choice of 12 different ways to conduct the game:

One Player

Two Players

Three Players

Four or More Players

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