Workshops by Thiagi, Inc. | Search

Interactive Strategies for Improving Performance

(A 1-day workshop designed and conducted by Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan)

Part 1. Designing Interactive Strategies

The best way to improve your training is to encourage participants to interact with each other, with the content, and with you. In this workshop, Thiagi reveal five secrets of effective interactive training that is faster, cheaper, and better. You will begin by rapidly exploring 60 different training strategies. Later, you will master additional details of several strategies:

With Thiagi's framegame approach, you will learn how to load existing templates to create your own games in a matter of minutes. You will also learn how to avoid irrelevant fluff and fun and immerse your participants in engaging activities.

Part 2. Conducting Training Games and Activities

Are you excited about training games and activities but anxious about losing control, wasting time, and being attacked by participants? Based on 20 years of field experience and research, Thiagi shares with you three important secrets of effective training facilitation:

  1. Identify seven critical dimensions of activities-based training (including pace, intensity, competition, and playfulness). Learn how to select, maintain, and balance appropriate intensities of these dimensions.
  2. Recognize participants from hell and their disruptive behavior patterns. Learn strategies for discouraging such patterns and specific tactics for handling each pattern.
  3. Identify the importance of the debriefing process for linking the training game or activity to the workplace reality. Learn a powerful six-phase model for maximizing learning from experience.

5 Things That Make Thiagi's Workshops Unique